Help with a new website with everything in Stockholm
Den här förfrågan lämnades vintern 2021 i kategorin Webbdesign.
Du kan också få hjälp med Webbdesign i Stockholm!
We are a cleaning company selling services for cleaning buildings, offices and workspaces. Also we have special services for cleaning rooftops during the winter and deep cleaning for mechanic stairs. We have a big staff for operate in different areas in Stockholm’s suburbs (Stockholms lans).
We do not have content but we can provide the descriptions of all our services and we also need help with some pictures because we do not have any real good picture for showing.
We do not have content but we can provide the descriptions of all our services and we also need help with some pictures because we do not have any real good picture for showing.
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7 företag svarade på jobbet
- WebbhotellGruppen
- Infid AB
- Ciseway AB
- Imarketing AB
- Björnsson Rusck Technologies kommanditbolag
- Fostira AB
- Visionmate AB