Easycon AB


Om Easycon AB


As the name of the company suggests, we focus on easy and stress-free project management. Our domain is to help the client understand and go through the project in the most pleasant atmosphere. 

Why?? - because everyday life gives us enough stress. 

And all changes, renovations, or new projects related to the place closest to your heart, i.e. HOME,
should bring positive energy that you are supposed to enjoy, even during the metamorphosis.

The company itself has not been on the market for quite a long time, but as the owner, I have over twenty years of experience in this industry. Over a decade of experience in the USA, running amazing projects alongside great interior and exterior designers. But also more than a decade of experience gained in Stockholm.

We approach each project individually and of course, we provide guarantees.

The best evidence of our achievements is the references of our satisfied customers (access for those who are interested).

Most importantly - we never undertake things we do not know.

So! If you think positively and want to run your project in the same way, I invite you to cooperate.

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Organisationsnummer 559376-7618
Bolagsform Privat aktiebolag
Registrerat 2022-04-21
Registrerat för F-skatt Nej
Byggande av bostadshus och andra byggnader
Partihandel med virke och andra byggmaterial
Bolaget skall bedriva byggnadssnickeri och renovering av bostadshus och lokaler inom privat sektor och företag. Handel med EU länder som avser inköp av byggmaterial och därmed förenlig verksamhet.

Omsättning/resultat (Tkr)

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