Copywriter till hemsida i Örebro

Den här förfrågan lämnades våren 2021 i kategorin Reklambyrå.

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(Är egentligen svensktalande men skickade förfrågan på ett annat forum som var på engelska)

Hello, I would need a copywriter that writes pervasive copy to our new website.

We are a company that want to be leaders in digital transformation. Together we build the future of digital solutions.

In this project you would get a Figma file where you see the architecture of the website. Also the current state of the "live" site. And of course my input and all the resources you need to perform a well performed project. The main goal would be to find an USP and get a clear message. But also to gather content(copy) to the final product.

Feel free to reach out!

Best regards,

Ett företag svarade på jobbet

  • Mardi Gras Digital AB