Drain around the house in Mölndal, within 12 months

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We need to drainage assessing around the house and whether we need to improve the drainage around the house. There are damp areas within the basement. With the drainage the drive and surround garden and garage will all need to be renovated.
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Inom 12 månader

When deciding on the company to undertake the huge task of the drainage around our house we were extremely impressed with the level of detail Topalli Bygg … Visa mer

When deciding on the company to undertake the huge task of the drainage around our house we were extremely impressed with the level of detail Topalli Bygg included in the quote. They were able to explain the process, include photographs and videos of what they would do. Although not the cheapest quote the quality of what they intended to complete was clear and this made our decision easy.
Bessi was clear about their work, he was very calm and easy to get on with. He explained everything in great detail and kept me well at ease about all the work being done.
He had 4 men working with him and they all worked extremely hard. They started well before 8am and some days would be still working at 6pm. They even came on a Saturday to get a job completed. The drainage was extremely thorough. They took photographs and videos throughout and always communicated their intentions.
Bessi gave us different options throughout the work, and offered his opinion on what would work the best and what could work out cheaper and more effective.
Topalli Bygg completed the drainage, new driveway and new decking and we are pleased with everything they have done. Everything has been done to a very high standard and all completed within a very short time frame.
I would highly recommend Topalli Bygg to any prospective customers.

4 företag svarade på jobbet

Konsumenten fick svar från 4 företag och valde TOPALLI BYGG AB för jobbet. TOPALLI BYGG AB har utfört 58 jobb via Servicefinder och har ett genomsnittsbetyg på 4.6.

Övriga företag som svarade:
  • PSB Mark & Entreprenad
  • Åsa1 Skog & Marktjänst
  • Hisingskompaniet AB

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